Wednesday, March 20, 2013

40 days of Lent - Balance

Happy First day of Spring

Which leads us to today's Lenten Thought:

March 20:  Today is the Spring Equinox, when we have the same amount of darkness and light in the day--a perfect balance.  Think about what's out of balance for you. Pray for the wisdom to put it right.

I am a little out of balance at the moment, but with a hetic life, sometimes it just happens.

Trying to balance home, work and church can get  exhausting.  I will have to pray more on getting balance.  One good thing, I have learned to say no.  I was just actually asked yesterday to organize an event and I said no.  We can only do so much and we need to learn to relax somewhere in amoungst it all. 

Well, this is easier in theory, but like the Lenten Thought says, pray for the wisdom to put it right.

Here are a few other interesting facts about the first day of spring:
  • If you were standing on the equator during either the vernal or autumnal equinox, you would see the sun pass directly overhead, the only two times in the year when that is true.
  • The two equinoxes are also the only times during the year when the sun rises due east and sets due west.
  • In spring, the Earth’s axis is tilted toward the sun, increasing the number of daylight hours and bringing warmer weather that causes plants to bring forth new growth
Well, Happy first day of Spring everyone.  Enjoy the day!  Spring is here! 

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