Saturday, February 23, 2013

40 days of Lent - When Silence wasn't Golden

So - I started my day with a call to the bff, Cathy - It went Hi Cathy - Hello - Whatcha doing? - Nothing - What's new? - Nothing - I remained silent.....listening..... and Cathy said - Are you still there?

So much for today's Lenten thought -

February 23 - Clear out the chatter.  Really listen to other people today.  Don't just wait for your turn to talk.  Life might get more interesting.

This is not something easy to do on a Saturday - I am home cleaning.  Cathy told me - I need to practice this on a work day.

Now, I can see Barbara, my co-worker, reading this - she is saying - Bev never listens.  It is true, I work like I drive, I never see or hear what ever is going around me.  Many people think I ignore them while I am driving.  The truth is - I DO NOT SEE  OR HEAR YOU.  You may be tooting your horn, but I have my radio on ....loud.   And you might be waving right at me.  But I am looking straight ahead as to where I am going.  You might be butt naked standing on the corner, but sorry - I didn't see you and you better get inside before you get arrested.  Thus, I am like this when I work - Barb can say something - and then she follows it with - "did you hear what I said" and my answer is  - "huh?"

So maybe this is my true challenge, not for just today but every day.  A true challenge for me because I don't listen - I have endless chatter going on in my head and that's why I blog, because I have to get some of it out.  So I have to try living outside my box, which is my thoughts, and open my ears and listen to others.  Listen to what is happening around me. 

My friends, please be patient, this will not happen overnight.  After a lifetime of talking,  learning a new trait like listening could take a while. I will pray on this and ask God for His help, because this challenge like any challenge requires help.  We are not in this world alone,  we always have God, our family and our friends; and to each one of them I  need to learn to listen.

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