Tuesday, February 19, 2013

40 Days of Lent - Thankful

Today's Lenten reading is:

February 19 - Pray for everyone who brought your food to you today, the growers, harvesters, cooks and servers.

"Thank You for the food we eat", is part of a prayer we all know and say before we eat; but did we ever stop to think where the food came from?  Unless we grow it in the garden or slaughter our own livestock there are many more people involved in the process of getting food to our table.

We start at the farms -- the farmers, the pickers,  the packers - off to processing -- packed on to trucks or other modes of transportation -- and then to the stores, where we buy the food.  Then it still has to be prepared!  That's a lot of people to thank. 

It is easy to take food for granted, it is everywhere we look.  I don't have to pick it.  I don't have to make my own little M & M's they come from a bag. 

So take into consideration what is involved in the food that you eat today, Thank God for the food and send special blessings out to all those involved in the process.

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