Friday, October 18, 2013

Power, Love and Self-Discipline

Don't you love when you can't remember something so you write it down - but then forget where you write it.  I did but them I remembered that I wrote it on a tissue, which I threw it in my purse and then couldn't find it among  all my tissues. I eventually found it and  I wrote down  2 Timothy 1:17 to look up for this blog. But when I did looked up it made no sense at all because the scripture I should of wrote down was 2 Timothy 1:7 - duh.

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 

Self-discipline, self-control - I lack it.  I am good up until lunch and then it is a down hill slide the rest of the day.  BUT the Spirit of GOD has given me this.  I really don't lack it I just don't use it.   He has given you and me the POWER!

Power is such a strong word - I was going to put the definition here but it was quite lengthy - some of them are:  1) ability to act or produce an effect   2)  legal or official authority, capacity, or right  3) a controlling group 4) physical might  - and it goes on and on.

One definition that I found very interesting  was an Order of Angels.  "Celestial Hierarchy:    a traditional hierarchy of angels ranked from lowest to highest into the following nine orders: angels, archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim."  Who knew.

Back to self-discipline -  I really need to pray, pull, tug on that power, love and self-discipline God has given me instead of letting snacks & chocolate take control.

So I say, Get behind me demon food!  Oh wait - that's where it all went.

In conclusion p
ray today for whatever power you need, I will  and have a great day.

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