March 2 - In the spirit of Easter, think of three old things your are going to stop worrying about and three new things you're going to look forward to instead.
The three things that I am going to stop worrying about, I won't share. That way if someone would ask me, "hey did you stop worrying about......" I might start worrying about it again. LOL Actually I feel they are kind of private, so I will keep them that way.
But I will share the three things I am looking forward to.
1) Spring - it can't come soon enough.
2) A trip to the shore - my favorite place. Anywhere were land meets the sea.
3) Reading the books in my book pile - especially the next three
Maybe these are not three big things, but I look forward to each of them.
My favorite scripture about worry is as follows:
Matthew 6:25-27 “Therefore
I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or
what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not
life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds
of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet
your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of
One time I was so worried about money that while I was driving to work I was thinking, what if I don't have enough money for food. Suddenly a pancake fell from the sky just missing the hood of my car. (True story! At first I thought, manna from heaven?) Then I saw a crow swoop down, pick it up, and carried it away. There were so many nearby restaurants I figured he must of got it out of the trash somewhere and that's when I remembered this scripture. Certainly if God could provide pancakes to crows then I should not be worried where my next meal would be coming from. I remember this story every time I worry too much.
So make you lists and throw out the worries and look forward to something exciting.
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