They shouldn't throw the deep thought ones at me on the weekends......

Today's Lenten Thought
March 16 - When you give God priority everything else falls into place. You'll become hopeful when before you were anxious.
It's all about putting God first. In our thoughts, hearts and prayers.
Proverbs says:
In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success." - Proverbs 3:6
I know I am guilty of not always putting God first because I become anxious and try to fix the problems on my own and then I remember to lean on Him more than myself. I try to think "God, I
want to do this, but I can't do it without You." He understands when
we make mistakes. So if you mess up, don't give in to discouragement
and let it hold you back; confess it and keep going. He will give you
grace to do what you need to do. One day at a time you and God together
can do anything!
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