Thursday, February 14, 2013

40 Days of Lent

My Pastor, Pastor Mike has to stop giving rousing sermons.  They start me wondering as to what my mission and ministry is in this life.  What talents and treasures am I using that God has given me to work to His good.   Last night, at our Ash Wednesday Service he pointed out that we our Ambassadors of our faith.  Oh Pastor Mike stop it!

No, seriously don't.  We need reminders as to what we are here for and why we were put on this earth. 

We forget sometimes because life gets in the way.  Work, laundry and even cleaning sometime sidetracks me.   Our minds become marshmallows of thinking.  That is one of the reasons I stopped writing this blog, I had to think.  I had to study and search the Bible for answers.  Instead I gave into life.  But soon everything became the same everyday.  Example, and this is true.  I was driving to work this morning and when I hit Schadt Avenue I suddenly wondered, what did I wear today.  That is a true marshmallow mind. 

Well - in this 40 days of Lent  -  I vowed to start thinking again, so I printed off a calendar yesterday from the UCC Church that goes with their devotional that we are doing in our book club for Lent called Spring Cleaning, I received a very timely message....

February 14 -  Lent commemorates the 40 days Jesus spent wandering in the wilderness.  Go for a solitary wander through your neighborhood with no destination in mind. Notice everything. Notice yourself.

Wow, notice yourself.   Do any of us take the time to notice ourselves.  You know, it is in those solitary times that God can speak to us the best and those solitary moment become less and less with the increase of electronic devices that are at our finger tips so that we can be busy playing games or texting every moment of our day.  A Christmas song has a line in it that goes, I wonder while I wander. 

Today spend sometime wandering.  Maybe, you're like me and you can't really take a walk around your neighborhood because you're at work and won't have time later, so today, where ever I walk - which will be at the Farmers Market at lunch - take to time to notice everything.  Notice something that you might take for granted normally.  Notice the details in something, a piece of fruit as an example.  And more importantly notice yourself today.  Notice where you are in God's plan.  Are you where you want to be? And are you where God wants you to be!

Joyce Meyer says, "I may not be where I need to be but I thank God I am not where I used to be" 

I think that sums it up.  Good travel on your Lenten Journey.

1 comment:

  1. Walks were some of my best "prayer times" when I was younger. What a great reminder! Thank you.
