February 18 - Lent is a season of repentance. Look at your life. Is there something you are sorry for? Ask God for forgiveness, and after that, move on to human reconciliation.
According to Wikipedia - Repentance is the activity of reviewing one's actions and feeling contrition or regret for past wrongs. It generally involves a commitment to personal change and resolving to live a more responsible and humane life.
Lent is perfect time to look inward and see what changes need to be made. The first half of the message is reflective - look at your life, is there something you are sorry for. I know I am sorry about a few things, some of which I have apologized for along the way. The easy part is to ask God for forgiveness. That is because we have a great God who is loving, kind and forgives us when we ask. Human reconciliation on the other hand, is a lot more difficult. You have to face the person and not know if you will receive forgiveness, you have no idea what reaction will come out of it. Makes you appreciate God a little more.
My Lenten Devotional for today offers a wonderful prayer for this situation. If you find yourself in need of it today or in the future, use it. Sometimes becoming a better person takes little steps at a time. One deed at a time, one act of repentance at a time.
Lord, if I have been the cause of anyone's suffering, show it to me. And make me strong enough to apologize, then set it right. Amen
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