John 6: 15 - Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.
Now I wasn't thinking about church and politics when she was reading this to me, all I could see was the word MOUNTAIN, and I am thinking, wow God you can really send reminders! It was like - good morning Bev, oh by the way your behind on that 40 day blog so here is a scripture to ponder. So ponder I have, I am not sure this is really about Jesus not wanting to be a politician or not wanting to mix religion with politics as much as it was that the people did not understand what kind of "Kingdom" Jesus was going to be ruling over.
The people of the time wanted a King who would fight for the freedom. Jesus was fighting, but for our souls, His Kingdom was to be in heaven and the people weren't quite grasping that at the time. The people wanted war but Jesus was trying to teach us unconditional love for one another. Something, I still have a little trouble grasping, and maybe that's why God sent a mountain to my door to remind me I am on a journey and I need to continue on it.
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