19 “Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet. 20 Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.”

Jesus' death and resurrection would soon be coming and from that a different way of thinking began. God can be worshipped from anywhere. From any mountain, in any room or from any country. That is the freedom of religion.
What I always find humorous in the Bible is that woman almost always "got it", this woman understood that Jesus was the Messiah and went to tell others. The Disciples never quite got what Jesus was trying to tell them until after the resurrection. It all comes down to faith.
Oh, I have heard of arguments (been in a few) as to which mountain (religion) is the right one. The louder the other person is yelling tells me they haven't gotten it yet, Jesus' message was about loving one another not which religion is right and which is wrong.
So remember, it's not where your mountain is, but what you have learned from that mountain.
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