I was doing well on the Daniel Plan - then it snowed and I started to eat M & M's. Like a bear fattening up before a winter's hibernation, I thought that M & M's would somehow help. But they didn't. I ended up gaining 4 of the 5 pounds back that I lost and started to feel blah again.
To my encouragement though, I received in the mail and by email a flyer from Hackman's that they will be doing a Daniel Plan meeting at Hackman's starting February 21st. Yahoo, and I will be attending.
I did find a few interesting things along the way though, I found out that if I truly give up processed sugar and sugar substitutes that I sleep through the night. I don't have to get up and go to the bathroom, like I have for years and it takes me about 3 days to get the sugar out of my system. I learned to make recipes with quinoa, barley, lentils and buckwheat and I now drink my coffee black and love it. If I miss soda I drink club soda with a little juice in it for flavor.
So why the slip up, human nature, I didn't rely on God's power to help me through, instead I thought I could do it alone and failed. So I started again yesterday with success and continue through today. Tomorrow's the test - work is where I fail the most, stress does me in. So I will make sure I pack enough healthy options tomorrow for lunch and snacks. Got some pea pods yesterday - love my pea pods and hummus.
Today I also realized something, during Pastor Mike's sermon. He said, "Jesus came to chase away the darkness" and I think I have been suffering from a little "darkness" called the winter blues or SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder-not a severe case but I feel like this has been the longest winter I ever experienced, and I think part of that is because of my legs. I have Osteoarthritis in both knees. My right leg which has always been the "bad leg" finally was doing pretty good after a series of shots. So now my left left has decided to turn to the dark side and become the "bad leg" hurting even worse than the other leg and after hurting it further on Saturday morning and crying lots Saturday afternoon I have come to the obvious conclusion that I need to loose weight. Not to look good, not to be sexy, but to be able to walk.
Well, as I write this - I see snow again. I was out in the kitchen adding tons of fresh veggies to a pot roast and packed my pea pods for lunch. For a snack I am having some nut crackers and for dessert tonight I am going to have an apple with maybe a little almond butter on it along with a cup of green tea. I think when I get to heaven I am going to ask God why He couldn't of have made quinoa taste like chocolate.
John 1: 4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
***This little light of mine, I am going to let it shine!**** Shine on.
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