Thursday, September 24, 2015

I Surrender All - Listening to God

John 6: 66

Yes, John 666 - says
66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.
What? They turned their backs on Jesus and no longer followed him? Did this really happen and when. Well, let's look at John 6. First Jesus feed the 5000 with two fish and 5 loaves of bread. Then Jesus walks on water. Miracle after miracle Jesus does and then turn away. It was the next teaching that offended them.
John 6: 46 No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God only he has seen the Father. 47 Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life. 48 I am the bread of life.49 Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died.50 But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die. 51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”
The Jews began to argue - how can this man give us flesh to eat. They took it literal. They couldn't understand that the way to the Father was through the Son.
The disciples even tell Jesus this in verse 60 - "This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?” But Jesus tries to explain to them - The Spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life.
But it is at the point some followers fell away - the twelve stuck with Him - even the one who will go on to betray Him.

Surrender the Flesh - Live in the Spirit

Easier said then done. Sometimes when I study, or listen to some uplifting music, or especially go on a retreat - I experience a Spiritual high. All is right and I am going to march forward with the Holy Spirit marching before me and I can do no wrong, right until life happens. Yup - the road is paved with good intentions.
For too many years I lived in the flesh and not the spirit - I did what made me happy, but in truth I was not happy. I couldn't find happiness as I went dating from man to man. I wasn't happy at work and I wasn't even truly happy at church.
One time I went to a Baptist Church's special Woman's Conference - I went up front for a special hands on healing time. When I got to the preacher - she blew into my face and said you - you have a gift from God. What gift I thought - my thought was don't tell me I have a gift-tell me what the gift it. Around the same time I went to a psychic, not that I really believe in them, but I use to love seeing this one lady who was a particular funny character. She looked at me and said, have the gift. So now I got THE gift, but I still don't know what the gift is.
I am still not sure what this gift is that they both talked about, but I try to use everything God has given me. I teach Sunday School, I sing in the choir and I write - I write this  blog and sometimes I just write for myself. Is that my gift, I guess God will let me know.

What's my Mission

Some people have a mission and they try to pull you into their mission. I found that to be true with a recent sex trafficking committee at my Church. I think is was just a thought that if there is a committee - Bev will be on it. But I didn't feel the call to be on this committee - others did and I am glad.
I just listened to the Pope talk to Congress, and I love this Pope and his call to help the poor is wonderful.
I think God instills in everyone a different mission or ministry. If we all had the same gifts I think that would be boring - I think God gives us different gifts so that we can all work for the good of God and the community.
Maybe mine is teaching, but you never know who you can teach on a day to day basis. Not all learning happens in the classroom.


Surrendering it all to God, might be the hardest yet easiest thing to do. The trouble with me is that I didn't get this until my 50's - I say so many times to God, why couldn't I have know this earlier. And He simply says, "You were not ready".
How do you surrender - Let go and let God.
Rick Warren says it best - "You know you're surrendered to God when you rely on God to work things out instead of trying to manipulate others, force your agenda, and control the situation. You let go and let God work. You don't have to always be in charge. Instead of trying harder, you trust more."

So let's pray

Dear God:
I am nothing with out you, I surrender all to you, instruct me, show me the way, and better still help me to listen to you. Every day in Every way. Thank you Lord, for being with me. Thank for the blessings you give me everyday and may my eyes and heart be open to seeing them. Amen

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Intimate time with God leads to a Peaceful Mind.

Peace is the Love of God and the receiving of the Grace of God.

Finding this peace can sometime be quite a feat.

James 1:21 tells us - "So get rid of all uncleanliness, and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness and in a humble spirit receive and welcome THE WORD which implanted and rooted in your hearts contains the power to Save Your Souls.

Back to the word.  The only way to learn it  is to get those Bibles out and study the word.  It doesn't even have to be a specific part of the Bible.  Maybe you want to study a particular topic - use the guides that in the back of the Bible to help you do that.  Either way read the Word daily.  I like to use a daily scripture book by Joyce Meyer to start my day,

The Word can save.  I wish I would of known this so may years ago, I believe my life would of been so different.

Take this scripture - James 1:19 - Be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to take offense and to get angry.

I should say this scripture over to myself every day - I am so quick to anger sometimes.  Lately I have been getting better.

Plant the word deep in your heart and water it daily and let it grow!


Dear God:  I  have made a decision that whatever it takes I am going to have peace in my life.  Help me find it and hold on to it.


Friday, September 4, 2015

What I Learned on my Vacation - Part 2

Peace is a quiet heart.

Peace comes with your relationship with God.  Relationships with people can be anything but peaceful.

I hate to hear the phrase "Go in Peace" and you might think that odd, but let me tell you a story. I once knew a women who could push all my buttons.  She once was a friend, who held a position of some authority.  But she abused our friendship.  She would work me up to a frenzy, until I was so angry I could not handle it anymore.    Before I would get to the point of hitting her,  I would walk away and she would say - "go in peace" she knew that became an additional button to push on me.  Our relationship became anything but peaceful.  She was mentally abusive and cruel.  We need to get away from people like this.  I finally did.

Around God we have perfect peace.  The more we study and learn the more peaceful we can become.

Now let me tell you a funny story.

After my 3 days in Hershey at the Joyce Meyer Conference I came home with this great peace.  I came to work, which can me sometime be a tense and stressful place to work.  We have a co-worker who makes everyone angry with her lax work ethic.  She comes and goes when she pleases and the rest of us must work 8 to 5 and if you a few minutes late you hear about it.   So on my way to work I prayed to continue the peace I was feeling.  A funny thing happened.  First when the first incident happened I turned and calmly said; "You know I was thinking about this and if this causes so much unrest maybe we should go to the boss and tell him and if he doesn't do anything about it, so be it, but we would at least get it off our chest."   Later, when another incident happened and people were getting a little loud I said, "I won't let this bother me, if she wants to act that way, ok, but I am not going to act that way."


So, I have been sharing my thoughts with them and I think it has helped, just a little.  Little baby steps though are the best sometimes, to take.

Luke 5:16 - But He (Jesus) Himself withdrew (in retirement) to the wilderness and prayed.

You see, even Jesus made sure He had alone time.  He ministered to the people, but he also would step away to be alone and pray.  If Jesus could do this, then so can we.  And when I say ALONE, that is without your phone, facebook, TV or your tablet.  Intimate time with God leads to a peaceful mind.


Dear God - I find Peace in Loving you Oh God, I am ready to receive your Grace. Amen

Thursday, September 3, 2015

What I Learned on my Summer Vacation

I was excited for my annual trip with the girls.  The car was packed, the women in place and off we went for 3 days to Hershey, Pennsylvania, the home of chocolate.  But it wasn't chocolate that we were anticipating - we were excited to see Joyce Meyer at the Giant Center.

Each year we make this annual trek to Hershey to hear Joyce.  Each I learn something new and I hope it makes me a better Christian and person.

This year she announce a new book coming in the Spring called Overload - about stress - we all cheered - I mean, who doesn't have stress.  Then I found out something great - and, that is we all have peace - really.  How do I know - Jesus said so.

John 14:27

Peace I leave with you my (own) peace I now give you and bequeath to you.  Not as the world give do I give you.  Do not let you hearts be troubled neither let them be afraid.

So STOP allowing yourself to be agitated or disturbed by outside forces,  Jesus left us peace - we need to use it.

Just knowing this has helped me immensely.  When I feel like my peace is being stolen by a person or by situation I just think "Peace I leave with you"  It's here - it's real  - SO


cowardly or unsettled because Jesus GAVE US PEACE.

Pursue God's peace and refuse to live with out it.


Dear God - You gave me peace through your Son Jesus, help me to find it - in my mind, in my soul and in my heart.